Thursday 29 January 2015

Now that you know you and your college(s)...

It's time to get into college!

Just how do you get into the college of your choice? 

First, follow the DRS orders- narrow down your colleges to the following 3:

D- dream (your dream school- somewhere you've "always" wanted to attend but may not have all of the qualifications or a rigorous admission process)

R- real (a school you would be happy to attend and fulfill all or most of the admission requirements)

S- safe (a school you would be happy at and fulfill all or possible exceed admission requirements)

And second, seek out advice for the application process and connect with your counselor! There is a wealth of information to be discovered - check out for advice from a Columbia graduate on how to earn money and admission to the college of your choice! Your counseling department also contains many resources such as college books and brochures. 

It's never too early to search- DRS order should be determined by the end of your Junior year or November of Senior year. 

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