Monday 30 March 2015

Time Management

There are only 24 hours each day- what you do with those hours makes a difference!

If you don't already, start using a daily planner today! While high school students have 8 hours a day in school, it's likely to have much less as a college student. Getting "free" time under control and managed will help you with prioritizing your freshmen year of college and succeeding in your goals!

It's easy to over-schedule if we aren't careful, putting together a to-do list for each day or even each week will ensure that you spend your time wisely. Use a daily planner or even your phone to write down your to-do list goals. Time-management assists in using time wisely as well as achieving your goals!

Friday 6 March 2015

SAT or ACT- the difference is...

SAT -> 3 hours & 45 minutes
ACT -> 3-3 1/2 hours

SAT-> Measures reasoning abilities
ACT-> Measures knowledge

SAT-> tests algebra, geometry and algebra 2; critical reading; writing; and includes a written essay.
ACT-> tests English, math (including trigonometry), reading and science; a 30 minutes written essay test is optional.

SAT-> mostly multiple choice
ACT-> all multiple choice (except for written essay)

SAT-> penalizes you for guessing (until 2016- no longer penalizes students)
ACT-> no penalty for guessing

SAT-> test dates are held 7 times throughout the year
ACT-> test dates are held 5-6 times a year

Many schools will accept either/or, so if you have the option to take either test, TAKE BOTH! Some students may do better on one than the other.

Studies show that you can increase your score by about 20%, but not without A LOT OF STUDYING! If your scores meet your school of choice application requirements, then you're done. If not, retest.

Students should take their first SAT or ACT during their JUNIOR YEAR! In order to meet college application deadlines, the last time they will be able to take the test is during their Senior Year in November/December.

See your school counselor for more helpful tips and advice! The counseling department also provides fee waivers for students who qualify. See the specific website for registrations.


- More information can b found in "21 'To Do' Lists for High School" - by Valerie Piece with Cheryl Rilly

Monday 2 March 2015

What type are you?

According to psychologist, Carl Jung, people can be characterized into 16 different personality types that can assist in discovering their perfect career pathway. What type you are says quite a bit about you- your likes and dislikes, your possible career options, your compatibility with others and more. Not sure what to do when you "grow up"?

Check out a brief-free version of Jung's test at: Career Test

The 16 types are broken into a 4 letter acronym.

First letter: "E" for extraversion or "I" for introversion
Second letter: "S" for sensing or "N" for intuition
Third letter: "T" for thinking or "F" for feeling
Fourth letter: "J" for judging or "P" for perception

See the site for information and explanations of each type.