
A personal interview allows a student to meet directly with a university official or representative of the university or scholarship committee. Preparation is the single most important factor in successful interviews. Your preparation should involve 2 primary components: knowing yourself and knowing the university (or program, job, scholarship, etc.).

Knowing yourself:
1. Skills & Abilities
(things you do well)
2. Personality Tendencies
(things that set you apart from other candidates)
3. Values, Dreams & Passions
(things you like)

Be prepared to answer the following questions in an interview:
1. Tell me a little more about yourself.
2. What are 3 of your strengths?
3. What are your short- and long-term goals?

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is more feared or more misunderstood in the job search process than interviewing. People tend to conjure up all their fears and insecurities when an interview is requested and sometimes the level of anxiety is so high it actually sabotages the interview. Preparation is the key to success in interviewing. interview coaching services
