Wednesday 29 April 2015

Follow Up On SAT Workshop

           Thank you all who attended yesterdays (April 28th) SAT workshop! It had a great outcome and I was very pleased with the amount of faces I saw there!
            For those of you who missed out, there will be a mini session today Wednesday, April 29th during 7th period if anyone is interested. For those of you who attended yesterday, or haven't get created ab account, remember that the correct website to do so is NOT .com.

           Fill out the application and make sure you use a valid email address that you will be checking often. Collegeboard won't spam your email or send you emails every day, but it will have your registration conformation when you register to take your SATs and will also send you a reminder when the date is getting close. Please be sure to write down your username and password in a safe place because you will be needing it to get back on the site when you want to print off your scores for local scholarships next year and or send them to your universities you've applied to.

            If you need any help, have any questions or just want advice about college, please don't hesitate to stop by the counseling center to talk to your counselors or me and Stephanie, the other intern here. We would love to help as much as we can.

Thank you again, CHS!
Samantha Garcia
Counseling Office Intern
Western Oregon University Student

Thursday 23 April 2015

Interested in going to school but don't know where to start?

Many student's dream of going to college but do not have the resources or help from people who've experienced the process of applying to college. Thankfully, at Central High School, your teachers and counselors have expanded their arms to help you and your peers as much as possible.

As most of you already know, in order to get into a university you need to have completed 4 years of high school and or your GED, (General Education Diploma). What most of you don't know is that almost all the universities around the country require their applicants to have completed their SATs or ACTs.

The SAT/ACTs are important exams based on a students math, reading, writing and comprehensive skills. After you take these tests, they determine if you meet the level of proficiency that that university requires for their students to be at before they are admitted.

On Tuesday, April 28th at 3:20pm in Room 130, I will be hosting a SAT/ACT registration and how to apply to college workshop that is open and encouraged to all the junior class of Central High School. Even if you've already applied to take your SAT/ACT's, I and your counselors highly recommend you attend this for any questions and or advice you might be wanting for college, from  current college students.

I will be updating this post after that day for you students to look back at if you're still having questions. Feel free to bring your questions and all the friends you can gather and be ready to learn!

See you then,
Samantha Garcia

Counseling Office Intern
Western Oregon University student

Tuesday 21 April 2015

There Is No Such Thing As A Broken Home

Insight from a college intern.

As most of us know by now, a home can be made up of different people. Being a teenager and growing into the adult you're meant to be can be challenging without another adult to help you when you're in need. From personal experience, I've been one of the new people in my group of friends to have both parents, and have both of those parents still be married. Growing up, I always felt embarrassed or bad about talking about my parents because so many of my friends didn't have parents or had parents who were not together anymore. I know it sounds silly, but that's just how I felt. 

When I moved to college and wasn't able to be around my family, I began to see things I had never seen before. My parents had been arguing more often than not, they didn't spend as much time together as they used to and the feeling inside my home was more tense than ever. When I asked my older brother and younger sister about this, they told me that they didn't know what I was talking about. Which was absurd to me because there was obviously a huge difference in my parents relationship. Turns out, it had been that was for a few years, yet since I was always around, I never really noticed. 

Although my parents love each other very much, they know that what they have isn't what it used to be. Their marriage became like a job and not something they enjoy doing without the feeling like they have to. Being older, it doesn't make me sad, but I still have a younger sister that is a junior in high school and my parents told me they feel guilty because they don't want to be the reason why she stops trying in school and then blames in on their separation. Which is common for students to do, by the way.

When my parents separate, I won't identify my home as a broken home. There is no such thing as a broken family. There are broken relationships, and people move out or in, but those are nothing other than changes. And changes for the best in the end. A family is made up of whatever you want it to be. A family is the people who check up on you, who help you with homework, drive you places, make sure you've eaten, and most importantly, love you. Although I have my parents, I also have my best friends, a mentor, my grandma and my uncle and his wife. My family isn't just my parents, and yours doesn't have to be either.

Monday 20 April 2015

ASVAB- Why or why not?

The ASVAB is most commonly confused as strictly an entrance exam for the military. However, the program was also developed to increase student's self-knowledge and to understand how that information could be linked to occupational characteristics. Students who take the test are provided tools to learn more about career exploration and planning, in both the civilian and military worlds of work.

Recently re-designed to be helpful to virtually all students, whether they are planning on immediate employment or further education, the ASVAB can help students identify interests, clarify what is important and better understand their skills and abilities. In today's world, where there are hundreds of careers to choose from, it's a smart idea to spend some time looking closely at the options before you.

The ASVAB test covers eight areas including science, word knowledge, mathematics, and mechanical comprehension. It assesses a student's ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. Once completed, students will have access to an FYI code which provides them a 90-item interest inventory based on John Holland's widely accepted theory of career choice. When students complete the FYI, they have 3 interest codes to use with the OCCU-Find for further career exploration.

Why not take the ASVAB and check out some possible career opportunities with you?

If you're interested in joining the military, depending on your score, the ASVAB could qualify you for the position of your choice. And if you're NOT interested, there is an opt-out option to take you off of recruiter call-lists.
Life's a journey. Explore the possibilities.